TrollEye Security

Penetration Testing as a Service (PTaaS) Explained

What is Penetration Testing as a Service?

Over the past decade, with cybercrime rising dramatically, organizations are facing an escalating challenge: safeguarding their digital assets from cyber criminals. As technology advances, cybercriminals become more sophisticated, underscoring the urgent need for proactive security measures. This is where Penetration Testing as a Service (PTaaS) comes in – an empowering approach that enables businesses to fortify their defenses and identify vulnerabilities before they are exploited.

Penetration Testing as a Service (PTaaS) is a framework that helps organizations identify vulnerabilities in their digital infrastructure by continuously testing systems and applications. Unlike traditional penetration testing, PTaaS offers continuous security testing allowing organizations to adapt to the evolving threat landscape. Some companies offer PTaaS in the form of on demand pen test, however at TrollEye Security we perform weekly testing for our PTaaS clients and have our own platform that distributes the findings of our testing to your security team based on their role.

Penetration testing itself is not a new concept. However, PTaaS has revolutionized this practice by introducing a scalable, on-demand, and subscription-based model. Here at TrollEye Security, we conduct weekly PTaaS engagements. Unlike traditional penetration testing, which often involves a one-time engagement with external consultants, PTaaS offers continuous security testing and monitoring. This proactive approach adapts to the ever-changing threat landscape, aiming to identify weaknesses, enhance security measures, and minimize the risk of successful cyber-attacks. Through regular and comprehensive penetration tests, organizations can:

  • Detect Vulnerabilities
  • PTaaS thoroughly tests an organization’s digital landscape—networks, applications, and systems—to uncover exploitable vulnerabilities on a continuous basis (testing is weekly at TrollEye Security). This is crucial because it identifies weaknesses before attackers do, allowing for preemptive security enhancements. PTaaS employs various tools and methodologies to simulate real-world hacking techniques, ensuring a comprehensive vulnerability assessment.

  • Evaluate Defenses
  • By continuously simulating cyber-attacks, PTaaS evaluates the current state of an organization’s defense mechanisms, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), and access controls. This assessment provides a clear picture of how effective these defenses are in thwarting actual cyber threats. It’s a proactive approach to identify and strengthen any security gaps in the existing infrastructure.

  • Remediation Guidance
  • After identifying vulnerabilities, PTaaS goes a step further by offering detailed remediation guidance, whether that be through a report, or through a platform like Command Center. This includes actionable insights and tailored recommendations to address identified risks. It enables organizations to prioritize their security efforts, focusing on the most critical vulnerabilities first, and efficiently allocate their resources towards enhancing their cybersecurity posture.

  • Compliance
  • For industries like finance and healthcare, where data protection is governed by strict regulatory standards, PTaaS is invaluable. It ensures that an organization’s cybersecurity practices are in compliance with relevant regulations. This not only helps in avoiding potential legal and financial penalties but also builds trust with customers and partners by demonstrating a commitment to data security.

PTaaS thoroughly tests an organization’s digital landscape—networks, applications, and systems—to uncover exploitable vulnerabilities on a continuous basis (testing is weekly at TrollEye Security). This is crucial because it identifies weaknesses before attackers do, allowing for preemptive security enhancements. PTaaS employs various tools and methodologies to simulate real-world hacking techniques, ensuring a comprehensive vulnerability assessment.

By continuously simulating cyber-attacks, PTaaS evaluates the current state of an organization’s defense mechanisms, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), and access controls. This assessment provides a clear picture of how effective these defenses are in thwarting actual cyber threats. It’s a proactive approach to identify and strengthen any security gaps in the existing infrastructure.

After identifying vulnerabilities, PTaaS goes a step further by offering detailed remediation guidance, whether that be through a report, or through a platform like Command Center. This includes actionable insights and tailored recommendations to address identified risks. It enables organizations to prioritize their security efforts, focusing on the most critical vulnerabilities first, and efficiently allocate their resources towards enhancing their cybersecurity posture.

For industries like finance and healthcare, where data protection is governed by strict regulatory standards, PTaaS is invaluable. It ensures that an organization’s cybersecurity practices are in compliance with relevant regulations. This not only helps in avoiding potential legal and financial penalties but also builds trust with customers and partners by demonstrating a commitment to data security.

The PTaaS Lifecycle: A Proactive Approach to Security

PTaaS operates within a well-defined lifecycle that encompasses various stages, each contributing to a comprehensive security posture:

PTaaS Process

  • Assess
  • Pen Testers Assess (Scoping and Reconnaissance):

    1. Identify Assets: The assessment begins with a meticulous identification of your digital assets, including systems, networks, and applications.
    2. Scan: We employ advanced scanning techniques to thoroughly analyze these assets, seeking vulnerabilities and potential entry points.
    3. Analyze: Our team analyzes the data gathered during scanning, scrutinizing it to unearth vulnerabilities.
    4. Test: We subject your assets to a battery of tests, including automated and manual assessments, to verify their susceptibility.
    5. Report: Our findings are then meticulously documented, providing a clear snapshot of your security landscape.
  • Prioritize
  • Pen Testers Prioritize (Vulnerability Analysis):

    1. Add Threat Context: To understand the gravity of vulnerabilities, we add essential threat context to each identified issue.
    2. Gauge Exposure: We evaluate the exposure level of these vulnerabilities, considering potential impact and exploitability.
    3. Assign Value: Each vulnerability is assigned a value, helping you prioritize and focus on the most critical issues.
  • Client Acts
  • Client Acts (Exploitation):

    1. Remediate: Your organization takes action to remediate the identified vulnerabilities based on our recommendations.
    2. Mitigate: Alternatively, mitigation measures may be put in place to reduce the risk associated with certain vulnerabilities.
    3. Accept Risk: In some cases, after careful evaluation, you may choose to accept a certain level of risk.
  • Re-Assess
  • Pen Testers Re-Assess (Reporting and Remediation):

    1. Rescan: Following remediation or mitigation, we conduct rescans to verify that the identified vulnerabilities have been adequately addressed.
    2. Retest: Our experts conduct rigorous retesting to ensure that vulnerabilities are no longer exploitable.
    3. Validate: The final step involves validation, where we confirm that your environment is now secure against previously identified threats.
  • Improve
  • Processes Improve (Validation):

    1. Eliminate Issues: Any remaining issues are meticulously addressed to ensure your environment is free from vulnerabilities.
    2. Evolve Processes: We work with your organization to evolve security processes and practices based on the lessons learned.
    3. Evaluate Metrics: By evaluating the metrics and outcomes of the entire PTaaS lifecycle, we help you continuously improve your security posture and readiness.

Pen Testers Assess (Scoping and Reconnaissance):

  1. Identify Assets: The assessment begins with a meticulous identification of your digital assets, including systems, networks, and applications.
  2. Scan: We employ advanced scanning techniques to thoroughly analyze these assets, seeking vulnerabilities and potential entry points.
  3. Analyze: Our team analyzes the data gathered during scanning, scrutinizing it to unearth vulnerabilities.
  4. Test: We subject your assets to a battery of tests, including automated and manual assessments, to verify their susceptibility.
  5. Report: Our findings are then meticulously documented, providing a clear snapshot of your security landscape.

Pen Testers Prioritize (Vulnerability Analysis):

  1. Add Threat Context: To understand the gravity of vulnerabilities, we add essential threat context to each identified issue.
  2. Gauge Exposure: We evaluate the exposure level of these vulnerabilities, considering potential impact and exploitability.
  3. Assign Value: Each vulnerability is assigned a value, helping you prioritize and focus on the most critical issues.

Client Acts (Exploitation):

  1. Remediate: Your organization takes action to remediate the identified vulnerabilities based on our recommendations.
  2. Mitigate: Alternatively, mitigation measures may be put in place to reduce the risk associated with certain vulnerabilities.
  3. Accept Risk: In some cases, after careful evaluation, you may choose to accept a certain level of risk.

Pen Testers Re-Assess (Reporting and Remediation):

  1. Rescan: Following remediation or mitigation, we conduct rescans to verify that the identified vulnerabilities have been adequately addressed.
  2. Retest: Our experts conduct rigorous retesting to ensure that vulnerabilities are no longer exploitable.
  3. Validate: The final step involves validation, where we confirm that your environment is now secure against previously identified threats.

Processes Improve (Validation):

  1. Eliminate Issues: Any remaining issues are meticulously addressed to ensure your environment is free from vulnerabilities.
  2. Evolve Processes: We work with your organization to evolve security processes and practices based on the lessons learned.
  3. Evaluate Metrics: By evaluating the metrics and outcomes of the entire PTaaS lifecycle, we help you continuously improve your security posture and readiness.

Through this systematic and proactive process, PTaaS empowers organizations to continuously enhance their security posture, keeping pace with the ever-evolving threat landscape. You wouldn’t only do the business finances after payment is declined, or once a year, but instead, they are done consistently. So why would we treat our customer’s or organizations’ extremely sensitive data differently?

The Power of PTaaS: How It Works

Now that we have established the definition of PTaaS, let us uncover the inner workings of this groundbreaking cybersecurity approach, seamlessly integrating cutting-edge technology with the expertise of skilled professionals.

At the heart of PTaaS lies the utilization of automation tools, which play a pivotal role in enabling efficient and comprehensive security testing. Through automated vulnerability scanners, PTaaS providers can swiftly identify common weaknesses, such as misconfigurations or outdated software versions across an organization’s digital infrastructure. These tools act as force multipliers, allowing penetration testers to focus their expertise on more complex and nuanced security challenges.

While automation tools are invaluable aids, we must not overlook the crucial human element of PTaaS. Skilled penetration testers bring their deep understanding of cybersecurity frameworks, attack vectors, and innovative techniques to the table. These experts meticulously analyze the results of automated scans, conduct manual testing, and simulate real-world attacks to identify vulnerabilities that may elude automated tools. Their expertise and creativity ensure a comprehensive and holistic assessment of an organization’s security posture.

The PTaaS process revolves around the concept of conducting simulated attacks that mirror real-world threat scenarios, providing a true assessment of an organization’s defense resilience. By adopting the mindset of malicious actors, penetration testers endeavor to breach systems, networks, and applications using a combination of tactics, including social engineering, network exploitation, and application vulnerabilities. This realistic approach reveals vulnerabilities that may have remained hidden, enabling organizations to proactively address potential entry points for cybercriminals.

Continuous Testing

However, PTaaS is not a one-time event; it represents an ongoing commitment to proactive security. Collaborative engagement between the provider and the organization is crucial for its success. Continuous testing and monitoring ensure that vulnerabilities are promptly identified, and security measures are updated in real-time. This proactive process creates a proactive security culture, empowering organizations to stay one step ahead of potential threats.

One of the key advantages of PTaaS is its ability to adapt to the unique requirements of each organization. PTaaS providers offer flexible engagement models, allowing businesses to tailor the scope, frequency, and duration of testing according to their specific needs and resources. Whether it’s a small-scale application assessment or a comprehensive organization-wide security audit, PTaaS can be customized to meet the demands of any organization, regardless of size or industry.

PTaaS goes beyond merely identifying vulnerabilities. It provides organizations with actionable recommendations, through either reports, or their own platform, that meticulously detail the discovered weaknesses, their potential impact, and step-by-step recommendations for effective remediation. These reports serve as roadmaps for organizations to prioritize and address vulnerabilities efficiently, ensuring that resources are allocated effectively to mitigate risks. With the guidance of PTaaS providers, organizations can achieve tangible and measurable improvements in their security posture.

PTaaS offers a powerful blend of automation, expert human intelligence, real-world simulations, and ongoing collaboration. It empowers organizations to proactively identify vulnerabilities, enhance their security defenses, and cultivate a resilient cybersecurity posture. By embracing the transformative potential of PTaaS, organizations can stay ahead of malicious actors, protect their digital assets, and safeguard the trust of their stakeholders and customers.

The Benefits of PTaaS


As organizations face the mounting complexity and sophistication of cyber threats, PTaaS emerges as a beacon of proactive cybersecurity excellence. It brings multifaceted benefits to organizations, enabling them to navigate the intricate cybersecurity landscape with confidence and resilience. From enhanced threat detection to regulatory compliance, PTaaS delivers unparalleled advantages that empower organizations to stay ahead of malicious actors.

By adopting a comprehensive and proactive approach, PTaaS reveals vulnerabilities that may have gone unnoticed by traditional security measures. Through a combination of automated scanning, manual testing, and simulated attacks, it exposes weaknesses in networks, systems, and applications. This enables organizations to address these vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by cybercriminals, reducing the risk of costly breaches and data compromises.

PTaaS provides organizations with detailed reports that outline vulnerabilities based on their potential impact and exploitability. But we don’t just throw reports at you, our team then works with your company to remediate these vulnerabilities.

In the face of a cyber attack, organizations must be equipped with robust incident response capabilities. PTaaS plays a crucial role in strengthening these capabilities through the simulation of real-world attacks and identifying potential weaknesses in incident detection and response processes. By uncovering gaps in security monitoring, alerting systems, and incident handling procedures, it empowers organizations to fine-tune their incident response strategies and minimize the impact of potential breaches.

Compliance with industry regulations and data protection standards has to be a top priority for organizations across various sectors. PTaaS supports organizations in meeting regulatory requirements by providing assessments of their security posture. By identifying vulnerabilities that may impede compliance, it helps organizations take proactive steps to rectify security issues and demonstrate their commitment to safeguarding sensitive data and meeting legal obligations.

PTaaS goes far beyond a one-time engagement; it fosters a culture of proactive security within organizations. By incorporating regular and continuous security testing, it ensures that security remains a top priority throughout the organization. This culture shift encourages employees at all levels to embrace cybersecurity best practices, heighten their awareness of potential threats, and actively contribute to maintaining a robust security posture. As a result, organizations can build a resilient human firewall that acts as a strong line of defense against cyber attacks. (In the words of Smoky Bear: Only you can prevent cyber attacks!)

In an era where trust is paramount, organizations that prioritize cybersecurity gain a competitive advantage. PTaaS allows organizations to demonstrate their commitment to security by proactively identifying and addressing vulnerabilities. By investing in PTaaS, organizations enhance their ability to protect customer data, thereby building trust and bolstering their reputation as reliable custodians of sensitive information. This trust translates into increased customer loyalty, a stronger brand reputation, and a sustainable competitive edge in the marketplace.

Deploying an in-house security team capable of conducting comprehensive penetration testing can be financially burdensome for many organizations. PTaaS offers a cost-effective alternative by providing access to a pool of highly skilled and experienced penetration testers on demand. This eliminates the need for organizations to invest in expensive training, infrastructure, and ongoing maintenance. The subscription-based model of PTaaS allows organizations to benefit from continuous security testing while optimizing their security expenditure.

Penetration Testing as a Service represents a paradigm shift in cybersecurity, enabling organizations to proactively identify vulnerabilities, fortify their defenses, and navigate the complex threat landscape with confidence. From uncovering hidden vulnerabilities to enabling regulatory compliance and instilling a security-first culture, PTaaS delivers a multitude of benefits that empower organizations to mitigate risks effectively and protect their valuable digital assets. By embracing PTaaS, organizations can forge a path toward cybersecurity excellence and position themselves as resilient and trustworthy. Remember that trust is earned and the more data breaches an organization has, the harder it is to rebuild that trust.

How PTaaS Is Used In Advanced Techniques and Methodologies

Executives seeking to fortify their organization’s cybersecurity defenses must embrace the power of advanced techniques and methodologies offered by Penetration Testing as a Service. By harnessing these cutting-edge approaches, organizations can proactively identify vulnerabilities, emulate real-world attack scenarios, and stay ahead of malicious actors. Let’s take a quick look into two crucial aspects: Red Teaming and Social Engineering.

  • Red Teaming
  • How PTaaS is Used in Red Teaming


    Red teaming, an integral element of Penetration Testing as a Service (PTaaS), offers organizations a unique opportunity to test their defenses against simulated, sophisticated cyber attacks. This approach involves a group of cybersecurity experts who adopt the mindset and methodologies of advanced threat actors, pushing your security measures to their limits. These specialists are equipped with a comprehensive understanding of current attack techniques and the latest cybersecurity trends, aiming to penetrate your systems and applications by any means necessary.

    This method of engagement goes far deeper than conventional vulnerability scanning, probing into the resilience of your organization’s security infrastructure against real-world cyber threats. Red teaming unveils hidden vulnerabilities and tests the effectiveness of your incident response protocols, detection systems, and the synergy between your security teams. By mimicking the strategies of real-world attackers, it reveals potential weaknesses and inefficiencies in your defense mechanisms.

    More than just identifying security flaws, red teaming delivers critical insights into how well your organization can withstand and respond to advanced cyber attacks. It evaluates the readiness and effectiveness of your security posture, ensuring you are equipped to handle sophisticated cyber threats. Through red teaming within PTaaS, your organization gains a clearer, actionable understanding of where your cybersecurity stands and how it can be fortified against the adversaries of today and tomorrow.

  • DevSecOps
  • How PTaaS Is Used in DevSecOps

    In the DevSecOps framework, Penetration Testing as a Service (PTaaS) plays a pivotal role during the testing phase, integrating seamlessly with the continuous development, deployment, and integration processes. PTaaS ensures that security is not an afterthought but a fundamental component throughout the software development lifecycle. This integration facilitates a proactive approach to identifying and addressing security vulnerabilities early in the development process, significantly reducing the risk of security issues in the production environment.

    PTaaS in the context of DevSecOps offers continuous penetration testing that aligns with the rapid deployment cycles characteristic of DevSecOps practices. This means that as new features are developed and existing ones are updated, PTaaS tools can automatically perform security scans and testers can perform manual exploitation to detect vulnerabilities that might be introduced or overlooked. This continuous testing ensures that security assessments keep pace with the speed of development, helping teams to identify and remediate vulnerabilities in real-time.

    Moreover, PTaaS contributes to the creation of a security-conscious culture among development teams. By providing immediate feedback on the security posture of new code commits and integrating security findings directly into development tools and workflows, PTaaS empowers developers to make security a priority in their work. This not only enhances the security of the software being developed but also improves developers’ understanding of security best practices and the common vulnerabilities in their code.

    PTaaS also facilitates compliance with security standards and regulatory requirements by ensuring that security tests are conducted consistently and comprehensively throughout the software development process. This continuous compliance monitoring is crucial for industries subject to stringent security regulations.

    In summary, during the testing phase of DevSecOps, PTaaS provides an agile, efficient, and effective means of incorporating security into the software development lifecycle. It ensures that security testing keeps pace with rapid development cycles, fosters a culture of security awareness among developers, and supports compliance with security standards, ultimately leading to the development of more secure software products.

How PTaaS is Used in Red Teaming


Red teaming, an integral element of Penetration Testing as a Service (PTaaS), offers organizations a unique opportunity to test their defenses against simulated, sophisticated cyber attacks. This approach involves a group of cybersecurity experts who adopt the mindset and methodologies of advanced threat actors, pushing your security measures to their limits. These specialists are equipped with a comprehensive understanding of current attack techniques and the latest cybersecurity trends, aiming to penetrate your systems and applications by any means necessary.

This method of engagement goes far deeper than conventional vulnerability scanning, probing into the resilience of your organization’s security infrastructure against real-world cyber threats. Red teaming unveils hidden vulnerabilities and tests the effectiveness of your incident response protocols, detection systems, and the synergy between your security teams. By mimicking the strategies of real-world attackers, it reveals potential weaknesses and inefficiencies in your defense mechanisms.

More than just identifying security flaws, red teaming delivers critical insights into how well your organization can withstand and respond to advanced cyber attacks. It evaluates the readiness and effectiveness of your security posture, ensuring you are equipped to handle sophisticated cyber threats. Through red teaming within PTaaS, your organization gains a clearer, actionable understanding of where your cybersecurity stands and how it can be fortified against the adversaries of today and tomorrow.

How PTaaS Is Used in DevSecOps

In the DevSecOps framework, Penetration Testing as a Service (PTaaS) plays a pivotal role during the testing phase, integrating seamlessly with the continuous development, deployment, and integration processes. PTaaS ensures that security is not an afterthought but a fundamental component throughout the software development lifecycle. This integration facilitates a proactive approach to identifying and addressing security vulnerabilities early in the development process, significantly reducing the risk of security issues in the production environment.

PTaaS in the context of DevSecOps offers continuous penetration testing that aligns with the rapid deployment cycles characteristic of DevSecOps practices. This means that as new features are developed and existing ones are updated, PTaaS tools can automatically perform security scans and testers can perform manual exploitation to detect vulnerabilities that might be introduced or overlooked. This continuous testing ensures that security assessments keep pace with the speed of development, helping teams to identify and remediate vulnerabilities in real-time.

Moreover, PTaaS contributes to the creation of a security-conscious culture among development teams. By providing immediate feedback on the security posture of new code commits and integrating security findings directly into development tools and workflows, PTaaS empowers developers to make security a priority in their work. This not only enhances the security of the software being developed but also improves developers’ understanding of security best practices and the common vulnerabilities in their code.

PTaaS also facilitates compliance with security standards and regulatory requirements by ensuring that security tests are conducted consistently and comprehensively throughout the software development process. This continuous compliance monitoring is crucial for industries subject to stringent security regulations.

In summary, during the testing phase of DevSecOps, PTaaS provides an agile, efficient, and effective means of incorporating security into the software development lifecycle. It ensures that security testing keeps pace with rapid development cycles, fosters a culture of security awareness among developers, and supports compliance with security standards, ultimately leading to the development of more secure software products.

Proactive Defense: Prioritizing Security Efforts with PTaaS

As executives, it is paramount to prioritize your organization’s security efforts and allocate resources effectively. PTaaS offers a defense approach like no other, one that enables you to identify, assess, and prioritize vulnerabilities on a weekly basis. By leveraging it, you can achieve an outstanding security strategy.

Through comprehensive assessments and automated scanning, PTaaS providers uncover vulnerabilities within your systems, networks, and applications. These findings then undergo rigorous analysis allowing you to gain insights into the vulnerabilities that pose the highest risk to your organization. The reports generated by PTaaS providers help outline the severity of each vulnerability and provide a roadmap for remediation.

You can prioritize your security efforts through these valuable insights, based on a clear understanding of the risks posed by different vulnerabilities. This approach ensures that your resources, time, budget, and manpower, are all allocated effectively, with the focus on addressing the critical vulnerabilities first. With it, you can optimize your security investments and enhance your organization’s overall risk posture.

PTaaS represents a shift in cybersecurity, empowering professionals to leverage technology, collaboration, and real-time threat intelligence for safeguarding organizations against cyber threats. By embracing it, you gain a competitive advantage, enhance your security posture, and ensure proactive defense in the ever-evolving landscape of cybercrime. Contact us today for a free demo of our PTaaS platform and for more information about our Penetration Testing as a Service offering, click here.
