TrollEye Security

Continuous Penetration Testing: What is it?

What is Continuous Penetration Testing?

In this article we will dive into Continuous Penetration Testing and explore how it simplifies and enhances the traditional pen testing methodology, whether you’re a seasoned security professional seeking to stay ahead of the changing threat landscape, or an aspiring newcomer eager to understand the fundamentals, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to embrace this cutting-edge security practice.

But first, let’s clarify what exactly continuous penetration testing entails. At its core, it goes beyond the sporadic, point-in-time assessments of traditional penetration testing by adopting a proactive and iterative approach. Instead of being treated as a one-off exercise, continuous penetration testing integrates seamlessly into your organization’s security strategy, providing ongoing monitoring, identification, and remediation of vulnerabilities. The way many organizations do PTaaS varies, with some adopting an on-demand approach, however at TrollEye Security our testing is weekly, not just on demand, giving you a truly continuous view of your security posture.

Continuous Penetration Testing takes advantage of advanced technologies and automation enabling real-time monitoring for vulnerabilities and immediate response to emerging threats, by emulating the tactics and techniques used by malicious actors’ continuous penetration testing helps organizations stay one step ahead in the ever-evolving cat-and-mouse game of cybersecurity.

Now, let’s explore how continuous penetration testing aligns with the concept of Pen Test as a Service (PTaaS). Essentially, PTaaS encompasses the delivery of penetration testing through a service-based model. Rather than relying solely on internal resources or engaging external consultants for periodic assessments, organizations can leverage PTaaS providers who offer a comprehensive suite of penetration testing services on an ongoing basis.

With this foundation laid, let’s discuss the key benefits and features of continuous penetration testing, and how it can revolutionize your organization’s security posture. From enhancing detection and response capabilities to streamlining vulnerability management, continuous penetration testing has the potential to elevate your security defenses to new heights.

The Evolution of Penetration Testing

Before we dive into the details of continuous penetration testing, it’s essential to understand the evolution of the traditional pen testing methodology and the driving forces behind its transformation.

Traditional Penetration Testing

Traditional penetration testing which is often referred to as a “point-in-time” assessment, has been a standard practice in cybersecurity for many years, it involves hiring external security experts or utilizing in-house resources to simulate real-world attacks on an organization’s systems, networks, and applications, the objective is to identify vulnerabilities and assess the effectiveness of existing security controls.

While traditional penetration testing provides valuable insights into an organization’s security posture it’s typically conducted periodically, such as once a year or whenever a major system upgrade or change occurs, as cyber threats continue to evolve rapidly this approach can leave organizations vulnerable between testing cycles exposing them to potential breaches or exploitation of undiscovered vulnerabilities.

The Need for Continuous Penetration Testing

Because of the growing number and sophistication of cyberattacks it is clear that something more than traditional pen testing is needed to secure organizations, this is why Continuous Penetration Testing was born. Continuous Penetration Testing takes a holistic view of an organization’s security posture by incorporating ongoing monitoring, testing, and remediation efforts, it aligns with the philosophy that cybersecurity is not a one-time event but an ongoing process that requires continuous vigilance.

Introducing Continuous Penetration Testing (CPT)

Continuous Penetration Testing (CPT) leverages advanced technologies, automation, and expert-driven methodologies to provide real-time visibility into vulnerabilities empowering organizations to identify and address potential weaknesses swiftly. It aims to create a proactive security culture by integrating penetration testing seamlessly into an organization’s day-to-day operations, rather than treating security assessments as isolated events CPT fosters a constant feedback loop between testing, analysis, and remediation, ensuring that vulnerabilities are identified, prioritized, and addressed promptly.

The Benefits of Continuous Penetration Testing

Continuous Penetration Testing offers several notable benefits that make it a valuable approach to securing your organization’s digital assets, in this section we will dive into the advantages of implementing Continuous Penetration Testing and how it can enhance your overall security posture.

Traditional penetration testing typically involves conducting assessments at specific intervals, leaving gaps where newly discovered vulnerabilities can remain undetected. Continuous Penetration Testing on the other hand provides real-time vulnerability detection by continuously scanning and assessing your systems and applications. At TrollEye Security we do this by automating large portions of our weekly testing. However, we still leave room for manual exploitation, to ensure that you get the efficiency of automation, and the expertise of manual testers.

In addition to identifying vulnerabilities, Continuous Penetration Testing offers the advantage of remediation guidance. At TrollEye Security this guidance comes through our platform, Command Center, which gives a detailed description of each and every vulnerability and distributes them to your security team based on their role. In addition to this we hold monthly meetings with our clients to discuss the vulnerabilities found over the previous 30 days. This enables your organization’s security team to take prompt action and implement necessary patches or mitigations to address the identified vulnerabilities effectively.

Continuous Penetration Testing offers cost and time efficiency compared to traditional penetration testing. With traditional testing, engagements are often conducted periodically or during specific project phases, giving you a view into your security posture at one point in time. In contrast, Continuous Penetration Testing, although by dollar amount is often more expensive, gives you a continuous view of your security posture. For example, using our PTaaS offering will cost you about twice as much as using us for a one-time pen test, however our testing is weekly, so you are really paying for 52 pen tests, making PTaaS a cost-effective solution.

Another significant benefit of Continuous Penetration Testing is the enhancement of your organization’s incident response capability. By continuously assessing your systems and applications for vulnerabilities, you gain valuable insights into potential attack vectors and weak points in your defenses. This information enables your incident response team to proactively prepare and respond to potential threats, reducing the time required to detect, contain, and mitigate security incidents.

In order to avoid hefty fines organizations can use continuous penetration testing to maintain compliance with regulations such as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). CPT represents a significant advancement in the field of cybersecurity, by adopting a proactive and iterative approach to security assessments organizations can leverage continuous penetration testing to fortify their defenses against the threat landscape and stay compliant with all regulations.

In addition to proactive vulnerability management, continuous penetration testing enables organizations to proactively hunt for threats and potential attack vectors. By simulating real-world attack scenarios organizations can identify weaknesses that might not be apparent through traditional vulnerability scans.

Continuous Penetration Testing provides a proactive approach to security by actively seeking out new attack vectors, testing the effectiveness of existing security controls, and identifying any gaps in the defense strategy. This proactive stance allows organizations to anticipate potential threats, strengthen their security posture, and proactively implement necessary countermeasures.

The adoption of Continuous Penetration Testing brings several benefits that go beyond traditional penetration testing approaches. Real-time vulnerability detection, immediate remediation guidance, cost and time efficiency, improved incident response capability, and compliance support are just a few of the advantages that make Continuous Penetration Testing a valuable security practice. By embracing this approach, organizations can proactively identify and address vulnerabilities, ensuring the protection of their critical assets and maintaining a strong security posture. To learn more about our PTaaS offering, click here.
